learn to swim

kim swim studios learn to swim

Dive into water safety and swim basics for all ages. Our individualized training uses the power of play to build water confidence and foundational skills, encouraging a lifelong love for the water.

Seasonal or year-round contracts are available. Small group sessions are available for ages 3+.

Best for

  • New-to-the-water

  • Novice swimmers

  • Nervous swimmers

ageS 12 months+

30 minute sessions

Weekly training for 6-8 weeks is recommended

ages 10 +

1 hour sessions

Weekly training for 6-8 weeks is recommended

family add-ons: under 18 months

mini sessions may be scheduled before or after a sibling’s full session

Private Training

kim swim studios private training

Receive one-on-one workout plans and guidance tailored to your goals, including dynamic yoga and cross-training elements.

Best for

  • Personal fitness

  • Event training

  • Young or adult athletes

all ages

1 hour sessions

Weekly training for 6-8 weeks is recommended

Athlete mentoring

kim swim studios athlete mentoring

Support a successful sporting journey with mindset and competition-focused guidance. Kim’s specialized coaching draws on her years of experience and current education, studying for an MA in Psychology.

Best for

  • Athletes of any age

  • Parents of athletes

all ages

30 minutes+

Weekly or bi-weekly mentoring is recommended

Sessions may include the athlete individually, the athlete’s parents, or both

Speaking Engagements

kim swim studios speaking engagements

Kim Vandenberg is available for keynote addresses, motivational speaking, and panel discussions related to swimming, sports, and mental health.